{Road of Death Leads to Garden Magic}

21 Jan

Last night, my very botanical friend (once referred to as “The Alan Greenspan of Botany”) sent me a link to the Cincinnati Flower Show.  It was just the visual break I needed after a few weeks of no shining sun.  The hubs and I actually made our way to the Flower Show last year, and boy was it crazy!  They host the HUGE show at LITTLE park in a small town.  No parking is close, so you either park at Rozzi’s Famous Fireworks factory (ummm, no thanks), or you park a mile down the road and walk down a busy, congested street with no sidewalks.  $40! later, we were in.  Where we found these little gems…


and these bigger ones.


And our future greenhouse that will be built with our future house.  Sigh.  A girl can dream.

This year we will go.  But we will be more prepared.  Discount coupons for admission can be found here.  They’re advertising it as a Valentine’s Day sale, and methinks that would make a great gift.  Snag a cute bunch of flowers from Wally World, slap in a vase, and slide tickets to the Flower Show in. Voila!  And we’ll carpool with other flower-lovin-eco-friendly folks so we have someone to walk down the road of death with.  There’s safety in numbers, right?

This year looks like it’s going to be just as gorgeous as last year. Doesn’t it make you just want to throw a traditional garden party or a frilly bridal shower?

They’re also sponsoring a “Learn to Grow Your Own Food” thingy, which looks really fun.  One of my long-term goals is to start an indoor garden, so this might be just the step that I need.

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